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Showing posts from July, 2023

Breasts know a lot!

I wonder if  breasts have a mind of their own , The innate intellect they carry is quite well known . While my little angel was still in my womb, happily growing My breasts were showing changes too, they were preparing for future feeding The areolas suddenly darkened and nipples became perky Later I understood, it happened so that my baby could latch easily. My breasts became warm, the moment he was put to my chest They signalled for the miracle hormone to calm my nerves and help me rest The sweet scent of milk that my breasts emit, attracts my baby instantly The moment they hear his hunger cry, they also start leaking automatically. How on earth do they know what my baby wants and what he needs?? Its fascinating that they even modify my milk, depending on when and how long he feeds. One night I was sleepy, so I may have skipped a feed or two They woke me in the middle of the night with heaviness and pain , I knew what I had to do Even my doctor warned me , if I

Heroes of my breastfeeding journey

(This poem is about a mother recollecting her breastfeeding journey and the struggles she faced and the kind of support she received along her journey.) I remember the first time when I held my precious one in my arm, his tiny little eyes, spreading all his charm. I wished that I could pour all my love onto him and keep him secure, protected and warm. I was so eager to provide him all the nourishment, give him my liquid gold and the best start to his life. But never had I imagined that breastfeeding him, would be such a strife. My doctor said, "This is just the begining of something wonderful. Patience and perseverance, is the key." He sent in the LC to my rescue, and within no time she miraculously got him latched onto me. Day by day I was mastering the skills and my little one seemed happy and glee. But the long breastfeeding hours and sleepless nights, were indeed taking a toll on me. My husband said please let me help, you need to rest befor

Breastfeeding - a joint responsibility

  Childbirth is an extremely emotional experience for all parents; it overwhelms them with love, happiness, excitement, a sense of responsibility as well as a lot of anxiety and exhaustion. The moment a child is first held in the arms, this amazing journey of parenthood begins. At the breast, the infant feels at home: warm, safe and protected. Breastfeeding nourishes, heals and creates an eternal bond.  The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends exclusive breastfeeding for six months, with continued breastfeeding along with appropriate complementary foods up to two years of age or beyond. Just like all other mammals, the natural duration of breastfeeding in human beings is also somewhere between 2.5 to 7 years. This natural term weaning, helps mothers to continue to provide immunity and meet their baby's psychological needs as they grow and start exploring more. According to NFHS-5 data, the percentage of children under 6 months, who are exclusively breastfed in India is